Privacy Policy

The Privacy Policy below covers the use of the website (“C-3”). We do not collect personal identification information including names, addresses, phone numbers, emails unless you intentionally share such information explicitly with Us. We do collect information necessary to enable certain features in C-3 (such as your Instant Web browser manufacturer and version). We do not sell, rent or trade any personally identifiable information you provide when using the C-3 website, unless you explicitly grant Us permission to do so.

We may gather at times certain information such as internet protocol (IP) addresses, browser user agent, referring page, date/time stamp and cookies automatically. We use such information to analyze trends, to administer the site, to track user’s movements around the site and to gather demographic information to better provide our services.

When you visit the C-3 Web Sites or use the C-3 Software, We may place a small text file or element – called a “cookie”, “Flash Shared Object”, “install ID”, “hard ID” or any other type of persistent local storage mechanism – on your computer that allows Us to improve the quality of our service, and to store your preferences and settings. Importantly, a cookie does not allow Us to obtain any personally identifiable information (such as your real name or address) unless you have specifically provided such information when using the Web Sites or the Software. The search feature sends a request to our servers while processing a search query that you have inputted. This request includes the keyword query, source (Toolbar, IE bar, related links, etc.) and all HTTP data transferred automatically by the browser (IP Address, User Agent, Cookies, etc.). We use this information in order to properly process your search request. Such information is recorded on a non-personally identifiable basis and is kept strictly anonymous. In addition, for certain sites you visit, which We have determined that you are likely to do shopping on or engage in other commercial activity, We may record the Uniform Resource Locator (URL), or web address, of that page, in addition to various pieces of information that appear on the page when you visit it. We take numerous measures to ensure that your privacy is not infringed upon in any way, and only collect information that We believe is important to provide you with our Comparative Service.

If any of the Web Sites or the Software is ever sold or all or substantially all of the assets relating to a Web Site or the Software are transferred to another entity, We may transfer all information provided by or collected from you, including personally identifiable information, in order to ensure continuity of your service. We will disclose information, including personally identifiable information, data acquired by cookies, and other data, where required by a subpoena, interception order or other lawful process. We also reserve the right to disclose such information when We believe, in our sole judgment and to the extent consistent with applicable law, that such disclosure is necessary to protect the rights or safety of others or to enforce, or protect our rights under, this Agreement.

Notice of material changes to this Policy will be posted on the Website. You are responsible for reviewing any such notice and any applicable changes. You agree that your continued use of C-3 following any changes to this Policy will constitute your acceptance of such changes. If you do not agree to any such changes, do not continue to use C-3 after the effective date of such changes and uninstall the Software.

Last Updated: March 15th 2021